Monday, February 8, 2010


In the time of greatest emotional upheaval, be it mourning, fear, doubt, jealousy, confusion, and love a human being is submissive to all sorts of behavioral assumptions.

In the name of mourning, one can forgive the lot of people who have wronged them, and one can choose to embark in a new way of life- one free of absolute hate, judgement, and wrongdoing.

In the name of fear, one can save his or her own life or well-being without considering the lives of others- be they friends, family members, or strangers.

In the name of doubt, one can question another human being's intentions, and (hopefully) realize that doubting is a reflection of self.

In the name of jealousy, one can degrade, subjugate, embarrass, or embellish another being's reputation, character, or wholehearted essence in order to replete one's own maximum utility of happiness and self-redemption.

In the name of confusion, one can mistake an act of kindness and rebel in an act of malice.

In the name of love, one can be inspired, supportive, open, and resilient, or, one can lose themselves in an image or expectation that fits the mold of what love should be, or how love should be experienced within the limitations of their relationship with their family member(s) or significant other.

We are not defined by such assumptions, but said assumptions seem to be components that characterize how we usually behave and react rather than how we should ideally personify ourselves in what we have come to reject as "perfection".

Just an observation.


1 comment:

You're no where to be found at 8:09PM 2/16 said...

People I've associated with have never, in the name of fear, decided to save themselves rather than the life of a friend or a loved one. Rather, I've seen it be the opposite. With fear it has always been a sacrificial ordeal. The individual is willing to give up their life in order to better serve the loved one's.

"In the name of confusion, one can mistake an act of kindness and rebel in an act of malice." LOL @ this. I found an individual that I am quite attached to had this very same reaction to an act of 'worry' rather than kindness.