Sunday, April 26, 2009

The malpractice of modern-day American feminism

"Nothing, I believe, has tended more to destroy the true dignity of woman, than the fact that she is approached by man in the character of a female. The idea that she is sought as an intelligent and heaven-born creature, whose society will cheer, refine and elevate her companion, and that she will receive the same blessings she confers, is rarely held up to her view. On the contrary, man almost always addresses himself to the weakness of woman. By flattery, by an appeal to her passions, he seeks access to her heart; and when he has gained her affections, he uses her as the instrument of his pleasure -- the minister of his temporal comforts. he furnishes himself with a housekeeper, whose chief business is in the kitchen, or the nursery. and whilst he goes abroad and enjoys the means of improvement afforded by collision of intellect with cultivated minds, his wife is condemned to draw nearly all her instruction from books, if she has time to peruse them; and if not, from her meditations, whilst engaged in those domestic duties which are necessary for the comfort of her lord and master."

As taken from "Letters on the Equality of Sexes" Sarah Grimke, 1837

Feminism has gone a long way-but it seems present-day modern man is fed-up with the modern-day dominatrix feminist, at least that's the impression I'm under here in Berkeley; he is fed up by her attempts to completely denigrate the male population in her efforts to change every aspect of potential female subservience. We have found present-day man calling her every attempt to free women from the shackles of inequality as overbearing and ridiculous.

With her subtle efforts to honor the female embodiment, feminists, at least here in Berkeley, have changed spelling 'women' to 'womyn', his to herstory, etc...they have changed their everyday habits, use of verbal and written speech, their clothing, sexual and social practices, and everyday {man}nerisms in an attempt to counteract every attempt man has apparently made in subjugating the female race.

But is that going too far? I'm not about to overanalyze or delve into every possible attempt man has ever made to entirely denounce female equality among men. Thanks to feminism way back when, I am endowed with my right to even have a blog to communicate my thoughts. I'm allowed to vote without having my gender stand as an impediment to my political freedom.

But has feminism in America today gone out of hand? Don't get me wrong, I'm not completely downgrading feminism in its entirety, nor am I labeling it to be wrong or outrageous. I will however speculate that the goals of modern-day American feminists may possibly detract from the "big picture".

Feminists from Zimbabwe for instance- specifically the region of Bulawayo, do not delve into the particulars of everyday colloquial speech. They instead fight for an opportunity to increase their literacy by being granted the ability to go to school. They fight domestic subservience by forming writers' and youth groups in order to counteract this inevitable downtrodden persistence of inequality among the 2 genders. Feminism in Armenia concentrates on fighting the double-standard- this standard that Armenian women must remain "pure" virgins till their marriage day, or fighting the government to disallow the act of the marriage dowry which still perpetuates in society to this day. Feminism in China speaks of the long historic efforts in eradicating "foot binding" as a means of female beauty. Feminism in all parts of the world seems to honor just that- the need to create equality among men, women, and gender-neutral bodies.

As aforementioned, feminism in the late 1800s here in America consisted of prominent figures like Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott who along with many other feminists fought to grant us women the ability to vote, so that we are equally represented. After decades of being imprisoned, killed, sent to insane asylums, ravaged, neglected, and hidden, women finally were able to push through and get us female Americans the right to vote. But even after such efforts, America has only seen a downward spiral among female voter turnout since the presidential elections in the early 1970s.

Is this because women are apathetic? Is this because women today merely concentrate on other aspects of "subservience" that they fail to honor, acknowledge, or even remember what our ancestors of female suffragette movement have literally put their blood, sweat, and tears to fight?

In an attempt to further the existence of "womyn", feminists today have become figures in society that only seek to counter man and his syntactical approach to life. If a man were to lay out my similar sentiments, the female feminist populatioon would ferociously retort by branding him an insenstitive, uneducated, domineering male chauvinistic pig.

I am neither unintelligent nor insensitive. Nor am I uneducated. Domineering may be up for questionining, but last I checked, I am not a man, nor does one have to be to question, or perhaps even 'call out' what the motives of present-day feminists truly are.

Mainly I speak because of the feministic environment, or lack thereof, I am immersed in today here in Berkeley. Perhaps if I trek to Oregon, I would have a different set of convictions for the evangelical feminists; or perhaps if I move to New Jersey, I would be subjected to the eco-feminists of the region.

Regardless, feminism isn't a bad thing. But we must be wary of what our motives are as said "feminists". I will continue to spell women as that, and I will not allow myself to feel compelled to address or behave a way that feminists see fit just because I am a woman. I shouldn't have to feel guilty everytime I say "hey guys" in an environment consisting of a mixed gendered population. That is simply how I was reared: to say history without feeling guilty; to dance to hip-hop/rap songs without analyzing every aspect of a song lyric- now don't get me wrong, I never promote "make it rain on them hoes"-"type" song lyrics; I am wary of social relations between man and woman but I refuse to be dictated on how I should act, or speak, for that matter.

After all, changing the way we speak will never change the ideals we hold. So no matter how many times I spell womyn just as that or acknowledge "herstory", that doesn't make me more or less of a feminist. It doesn't change female subservience in this society of ours any more or any less.

It just makes me go into the particulars of speech without actually actively doing something to promote equality- it merely makes one scold those that don't follow the syntactical political correctness of modern-day speech.

That's not what feminism ever was or should be about.

Friday, April 17, 2009

the muse in music

amidst so much AxF#@$%TRRioafjefds;afeifojxj, for lack of a better expression, i felt the sudden need to just sing my heart out- you know, youtube the bohemian rhapsody and sing along crazily

to my dismay, aside the fact that i am not immersed in a rather garish sushi bar-like environment, or for the fact that i am not currently with loud, obnoxious, slightly intoxicated sake-bombing-dare-i-say 'friends' who are down to sing the night away in inebriated unison,

i'm at work.

..which rules out my dream of intoning away my woes on this very pleasant afternoon


but that won't ever stop me from youtubing :)

...the duduk-

click the link; listen and read- or if this is lame/boring/time consuming then, you, quite honestly, don't know me like that. :}

...the duduk: most probably the only instrument that can simultaneously depict both sorrow and joy; the instrument is remarkable; playing it is most impressive; the sounds that emanate from it are nearly-magestical. the subtleties in the sound- the lilts and underlying dark and mysterious overtones- never cease to captivate me;

Art seems to be the medium we all escape to. it inspires us- to love, hate, live, or maybe even seek death; it offers an avenue of expression, sometimes when we otherwise lack it through words or actions- we all know this, we all find this to be universally true; art is defined in any form with no limitations really~~

...MUSIC. is my muse.

The sounds, the lyrics if there are any- are all a part of this process that entrap me; so often do I find myself enamored by the instrumental itself that I am left shimmying to songs like "Fuck Friends" by Tupac , disregarding the message altogether yet finding the intricacies of sound so fascinating.

*To conclude*

The other evening, I was overjoyed to be with a group of people who genuinely wanted to sing; i think sharing an art is so remarkable- it's like having a good 3 hour conversation with a person you never really connected with before--- you get to be in sync with them on a deeper, more insightful level; that's why singing the other evening was so remarkable. granted, i've been in choir for more than half my life, but there was something about that evening that felt so complete. Perhaps it was because I shared it with a group of people that I otherwise didn't have much in common with other than our ethnicity, our love of playing 'mafia', or our covertness in assassinating eachother with socks.

So yeah, I truly felt endowed by this spirit of happiness and unity which rarely ever falls before my eyes; like we were all coming together (Beatles, where you at), like we all finally had something so beautiful in common with no strings attached; we did not do it to be cool, nor did we do it out of obligation- we did it simply because it was an underlying passion we all wanted to genuinely share.

Anyhow, that's enough music jibber jabber jigga what from me;

music is truly tantalizing-

the lyrics that accompany it are equally as wonderful...

so before I leave, let me grace this page with words so eloquently spoken by Eminem in his "Sing for the Moment", depicting the power of words communicated through the art of song...

"Yet everybody just feels like they can relate {in songs},
I guess words are a
mothafucka they can be great
Or they can degrade, or even worse they can teach hate..
That's why we sing for these kids, who don't have a thing
Except for a dream, and a fuckin' rap magazine
Who post pin-up pictures on their walls all day long
Idolize they favorite rappers and know all they songs
Or for anyone who's ever been through shit in their lives
Till they sit and they cry at night wishin' they'd die
Till they throw on a rap record and they sit, and they vibe
We're nothin' to you but we're the fuckin' shit in they eyes
That's why we seize the moment try to freeze it and own it, squeeze it and
hold it
Cause we consider these minutes golden
And maybe they'll admit it when we're gone
Just let our spirits live on, through our lyrics that you hear in our
songs and we can


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

alas, she is free

I lost myself in Music, yet Music found me so,
I lost myself in verses that I never could let go.

I lost myself in wonder, Of how it died right fast,
How Music and its wonder, would not soon live to last.

I lost myself in freedom, Till I soon let Him go,
When I remembered way back when, I'd let MY rhythm flow.

I lost myself in happiness, No longer music n' me,
Music was entrapment, Alas, Now I am free.

Now I hear a different beat to which notes are not rife,
Now I feel new freedom With new music in my life.


Sunday, April 12, 2009


"The more you look around the more you realize something is fucked up...war, disease, death, destruction, hunger, filth, poverty, torture, crime, corruption, and the ice capades..."

Today is Easter, and along with followers of the religion come those whose cynicism pervades throughout the virtual confines of our earthly world.

So is religion truly "bullshit", is Christianity and every religion out there an opium of the masses- or does religion exist...and if so, which one?

Who is right? Which religion is true? Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, Animism, Christianity, Hinduism, Jainism, the list goes on, the beliefs go on, but which is right or are they all just plain old facades?

Facades that keep us feeling safe when we are disillusioned in this temporal world of ours. Facades that keep us sane when we feel that everything else in this world is filthy, corrupt, and evil.
Facades that promise us a perfect life after death while we fend and thrive in this not-so-perfect scheme of life.

Bullshit? Arguably, there are many things in life that are bullshit: a lack of universal healthcare, a lack of freedom and equality for all, a lack of fiscal opportunities for all....but when we classify a belief as 'bullshit' is that going too far?

It seems that the only thing we got going these days are our lingering thoughts, opinions, ideals, and beliefs. To take THAT away from people seems almost...heartless, for lack of a better word.

So why classify religion as bullshit- why bother even targeting that realm? Is it because those who are not believers are not kept at rest when passing a church construct whose followers try to lure them into their dogmatic absolutism? Is branding religion as "bullshit" an outward act of loathing all things that we cannot follow because we simply do not see it or feel it the way those who are religious do?

I think that religion should be kept to people without their adamant imposition enveloping our everyday lives. That way, we are all entitled to our own ways of thinking all the while we can keep a level of sanity without having to lash out, brand, or be cynical when it comes to religion.

Can't we all just get along? It seems the pit of many civil, regional, and world wars revolves around the imposition of religion, or lack thereof. Greed, lies, destruction- the Crusades, the 30 Years' War, the Armenian Genocide, Roe v. Wade- despite the time setting, place, and circumstance, religion seems to almost be an underlying factor in all things catastrophic.
Is that a safe conjecture? Am I going too far?

Is George Carlin at fault? There are many videos out there promoting religion, urging people to follow- so is Carlin's adamant refusal to commit to religion too rash? Are his opinions too brutal and cynical? Should he utilize his comedic prestige by calling out something that many hold dear to their hearts- that many simply cannot even live life without?

Seriously, let us set aside our differences and come together as one. It's very possible-- we have definitely had moments throughout these past few centuries where we have been just, civil, and where we have lived in amicable coexistence. A world like this is very much possible.
